Franchisee’s Testimonials

“I currently have a student who started doing maths at four years old without even knowing how to write or count beyond 10. Within two years, he began studying material that is typically five years beyond his age. For me it is wonderful how Kumon can cater to the needs of each child.”

“My students have a good time doing the worksheets even though it is tough. That made me realise the importance of giving the child the opportunity to self-learn. When they can take ownership of their own work, that is when Kumon will be the most effective.”

Children learn at the right level if they practice according to their abilities. As a supervisor, I try to explore the potential of students by observing the attitude of students learning in class, making observations when students work on worksheets plus information obtained when communicating with parents.” By observing student learning attitudes in the classroom, I can see enthusiasm, concentration, patience and perseverance in dealing with new problems. When I see students work on Class Work, I know the abilities that have been formed such as work agility, mental calculation and so forth. Children who learn at the right level will learn happily, enthusiastically, passionately, and are motivated to advance even to levels that are far higher than the class level.

I often got questions asked by parents such as, “Will my child be left alone doing their worksheets?”, “Why don’t you teach them so they can understand the problems faster?”, “How can my child understand the materials without being taught?” I told them that children will be able to master the materials faster by thinking by themselves without being taught. Self-learning will develop strong logical thinking ability and motivate children to learn through examples and introductory problems in the worksheets, so they can study beyond their school grade level. Therefore, self-learning is an important skill for children as it will develop their potential to the maximum. In order to develop their self-learning ability, I ensure that students adopt the proper attitude right from enrolment, make them follow the study flow, and study with worksheets correctly. Then, I train them to try to solve new concepts by themselves and make them feel the sense of achievement. At the same time, I praise children to make them more confident to study by themselves.

In my opinion, repetition is one of the many features of the Kumon Method which is the most special. Because each child is unique, the study program is made according to the ability of each individual child. Assigning the ‘just right’ repetition based on individual’s ability will give benefit for students, because the contents in the worksheets are related to one another. It is important to set the study program carefully, to keep children motivated to study by themselves. To assign the “just right” repetition, Instructors need to consider based on observation of students’ study condition in the center, as well as the character of parents. Through Parents Meeting (PM), I can get informations regarding parents’ characters and students’ study condition at home. Besides that, Parents Meeting is an opportunity to share to the parents about the importance of the repetition.

“Seeing my first Kumon Maths Completer persist through the challenging final levels by herself made me realise how wonderful the self-learning aspect of Kumon really is. She is now a specialist doctor working in hospitals around Australia, and she has also inspired me to be a better instructor.”